Monday, April 8, 2019

Resource Notes: Are You There, Democracy?

Resource Note: Week 12

(Democracy and the Government by Justin Schuck. Shared Under CC BY-ND 2.0. Web Source:

Earlier this semester we discussed terms and conditions, as well as privacy laws related to the use of the internet. This week we switch to talking about the internet and its role in spreading ideologies on political democracy. This topic is case sensitive based on a governmental employee releasing private and confidential information a few years ago. The government employee I am referring to is Edward Snowden. Edward Snowden made headline with his decision to go against governmental policy for the justice of the public so they have a sense of understanding of what the government keeps behind the walls. "Are You There, Democracy?" hits on the discussion of technology and democracy based on the author's interest in mass surveillance and its privacy. This article shares insight and stories based on if technology is good for democracy. I personally believe that technology provides everyone with better capabilities to stay in contact with each other. However, with saying this, I realize that the government has the ability to track us with out us knowing. This is scary to think about but I don't think we need to be scared by it. The government has been able to stop terror threats and other incidents that would not have been preventable if it wasn't for the government. In addition, technology has allowed for the general public to share information that reaches thousands of individuals to begin a rally for certain ideas. This would not have happened if it wasn't for technology. I am not saying that we shouldn't be worried about the power technology can have but to say that we need to limit its advancement is crazy because I believe the benefits out weigh its costs.

Are You There, Democracy? It's me the Internet. By: Jenna Bitar. Web Source:link


  1. I also agree that technology provides everyone with better capabilities to stay in contact with each other and that it gives people the platform to say or learn about things they might not know. However this comes with a price, so making sure each individual has the right to all knowledge is crucial for people's learning. Overall, good post!

  2. I agree that technology's benefits outweigh the potential costs of using it. Technology's role in preventing terror threats is no doubt very valuable and I think I would also support the government tracking us to protect the public the best they can. What's interesting to think about is that nobody really knows what technology is yet to bring upon mankind, but I hope the benefits continue to outweigh the costs in the future as well.
