Friday, January 25, 2019


As I have ventured through the syllabus and have completed some of the week 1 assignments, I believe this course is very manageable and fits great with my busy class and work schedule. I am looking forward to writing blogs each week as I believe it can help my writing style and challenge how I articulate information. In addition, I look forward to completing extra credit related to the topic of growth mindset since it is a interesting topic and one that needs to be taken with caution. This style also challenges what I believe in and might may make me rethink what I do and don't agree with. However, this class is structured completely different than any other class I have taken before. I have never been able to grade my own assignments nor have been able to choose what assignments I want to complete. Given this freedom is an honor and one that I am grateful for and won't be taken lightly. I will still try my best to provide the highest level of quality of work for my assignments, an A+.

(The Grade To Strive For by Marco Verch. Shared under CC BY-NC 2.0. Web Source: Flickr)

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