Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Resource Notes: Anil Dash Podcast

(How Technology Has Improved Life by Opensource.com. Shared under CC BY-NC 2.0. Web Source: Flickr)

Technology is not for everyone, but should be used in alignment to one's values. Technology has its complications depending on how it is used. For example, the podcast discussed technology's role in the presidential election and journalism. This is because technology has served the role to broadcast and publish media reports to thousands of individuals in a matter of seconds. This not only affects what people say on national television but away from the cameras as well. This is because individuals cannot afford to be down played or criticized in a negative manner based on the choices they make. Additionally, journalist have been criticized for their role in news reporting because they are usually portrayed as the bad guys. Anil Dash also noted that the more attention or emotional appeal one thing gets, the more influence that thing has. In our society, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms have played an influential role in societal movements, such as the presidential election. Additionally, the podcast touched on a very deep and opinionated topic related to data and how it is used. Data and numbers are sometimes used by outside entities without prior knowledge as to how the numbers were obtained and its intended results. Additionally, outside entities have been known to publish data even if they weren't statistically significant, but matched their ideas. This statement demonstrates Dash's views on the topic of technology as technology is used or portrayed in such a way that is compelling to its users. Technology provides the user the freedom to explore or associate themselves in a way that best fits their identity. However, I do not agree with the statement that kids should have a cell phone by the age of 14. This is because I believe cell phones can actually harms ones health rather than improve it. Yes, technology is evolving but why is it taking over our culture and changing the our lives even though our ancestors had lived for thousands of years without the advancement in technology we have now. Why change now? That's my view... However, I do agree with Dash's closing statement that technology such as electronics and vaccines is new, but not all technology is new. Instead, technology has evolved and we are responsible for its everlasting and its intended purpose.

Anil Dash: Tech's Moral Reckoning. Interview Link

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