Thursday, February 7, 2019

Feedback Strategies Ideas

(Got Feedback by Alan Levine. Shared Under CC NY-NC 2.0. Web Source: Flickr)

The articles and videos we continue to watch as a part of this course can be applied to daily life. This application puts into perspective how many people act in ways that are not helpful or beneficial to improving an individuals success in a particular field or situation. However, Goldberg's article helped to provide information related to how one can assist others and improve ones success in different situations. Goldberg's starting paragraph was well phrased while talking about a children's ability to have a growth mindset and an ability to persevere and not be phased when challenges arise while they are reading a book. Furthermore, Goldberg stated that teachers and parents play a critical role in how a child perceives failure and growth and it is important to know how you are acting. To assist in knowing, Goldberg highlighted a few points that I will try to incorporate when I give feedback. These points relate to providing information relevant to the challenges the person is facing, what they are doing while reading, what they are doing well, transferable suggestions or critiques, and taking yourself or using "I like this" out of the feedback. All of these can assist in providing constructive feedback that will help a person grow rather than give-up.

The other article I read was by Goldsmith. Goldsmith's article discussed how we provide feedback and is trying revolutionize it in a positive form. The revolutionary way will be through feedforward feedback in which it is all about the future and not looking back at the mistakes, staying positive and forgetting about all of the wrong doings and not trying to prove others wrong, is suited for successful people, is process oriented, and people listen more when it is feedforward information.  Feedforward information is all about using useful information related to procedures, processes, and input effectiveness that can all wrap up to producing elite material that makes everyone happy!

Article 1: Gravity Goldberg. Be a Mirror: Give readers feedback that fosters a growth mindset. Link: Article
Article 2: Marshall Goldsmith. Try feedforward instead of feedback. Link: Article

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