Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Resource Notes: Social Media

(Twitter by Keiyac. Shared Under CC NY-NC 2.0. Web Source: Flickr)

Today's society is surrounded by all sorts of technological advancements. One advancement that stands out the most is the use of social media platforms. Social media is the newest and most widely used platform that is used to share and obtain new information as it relates to daily life. This information could be opinionated or produced by an actual news source. Furthermore, these platform have been capable in producing the fastest arrangement for news to go from one side of the world to the other. In the past, information was posted in a newspaper  and would take roughly 12 hours or more to disperse that information to the rest of the world. Now as I said, it happens within a blink of a second. This is crazy to think and envision if we grew up roughly 40 years ago when the Internet was barely a thing and was just being formed. Furthermore, the way we communicate with others has changed as well. It used to be that you would need to use a land-line phone to call a person. However, now almost everyone has a cell phone and use a social media app to communicate with one another. Some of these apps are Facebook Messenger, Twitter Direct Messaging, Snap Chat, etc. Instead of picking up the phone, now we just sit behind a screen and send messages through one of those social media platforms. I believe this change has and will continue to hurt the younger generation because they don't learn how to talk with people through their voice, but would rather use a text messaging platform to voice their opinion. This will hurt customer service, sport recruiting, and relationships such as friendships or dating. This needs to be changed and people need to begin calling people again instead of texting all of the time.

Ariel, Y. & Avidar, R. (2015). Information, interactivity, and social media. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 23, 19-30. Link: Article Link


  1. Hey Ryan,

    I agree that it is amazing how much communication has changed with technology. We have gone from landlines to various social media chat apps in just our lifetime. I think there is a concern to watch out for with the development of children. The way we raise kids has to change since technology they are growing up with is changing. I do think that we do need to question whether this change is necessarily bad change? Will the increasing interactivity of social media help children to interact more or will it deprive them of valuable face to face interaction?

  2. Ryan - It really is amazing how far technology has come. It has made it possible to keep in touch with people from all over the world, and from different times in our lives. If we move to a different state, it is way easier to keep in touch with other people. That said, I agree that it is changing us...possibly in a harmful way. I just think of how divided our country is, and can't help but think that social media has played a huge part in this. We no longer no how to communicate with one another. In my opinion we've become a culture where everything is "all about me." I hope we are able to figure out how to utilize these apps,in a healthier way!

  3. WOW - I liked how your blog post was more about your opinion on the subject and less recalling facts from the article. I do agree that our technological era and life on social media(Facebook Messenger, Twitter, iMessage, Snapchat) may come back to haunt us in the future, in terms of our social skills. I also like how you put this in perspective of 40 years ago, that comparison shows just how fast technology is evolving.

    I Wonder - I wonder if you could include outside information to support your opinion on social media hurting in person social skills. It would be interesting to see the research that is being done on that subject.

    What If - What if you did include more of the articles that we read? Personally, I enjoyed hearing your opinion on the subject, but some could appreciate the addition of the articles in your blog posts.

  4. Hey Ryan, I really enjoyed reading your post and thought you carried many interesting points! I think it is insane how much quicker news can fly now than it could even 10-15 years ago. I agree that life has changed through social media, and I think we will find out int the future if that was for better or worse. This is especially true in regard to social skills. Many kids nowadays spend much more time on their phone talking to each other through text message or IM instead of actually developing face to face interactions. Is there a chance this will ruin people's social skills in the future? One thing that I am curious about is if the speed of this information is causing more and more fake news to be developed. Additionally, I wonder if this changed is what caused America to elect such a radical president. What would life be like for us today if social media has never developed. I wonder if there are any articles on this, and how accurate they would be.
