Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Resource Notes: Suspended Student Tweet

(Easy Access to Social Media by Jason Howie. Shared under CC NY-NC 2.0. Web Source: Flickr)

Wow, that was a shocking read. I am surprised I haven't heard this story before. This article and attached video highlight some important information related to ethics and what one should and shouldn't post on the internet. However, this subject is very touchy and should be taken with an open mind. My initial reaction to the article and the attached video was how dumb people can be on social media. In my opinion, social media brings out the worst intentions of some people. This is linked to individuals not comprehensively thinking through the consequences of their words or actions. In one sense, a post might have the intention to be joking; however, the post might come off or be portrayed in a serious manner. In a worse circumstance, the verbiage could even be portrayed with the intent to cause physical harm. However, I do see where the parents of the student are coming from because they are taking the stance that the post was a joke. However, it is so hard to identify the post as a joke when it comes down to ethical codes. A code that was brought out in this situation was justice. Justice in this situation comes down to always treating people with respect and in an equal manner. However, when one doesn't do that, justice is compromised. This is what occurred in the video and article which is why the student was suspended.  In addition, the student is also facing the ethics of his rights as well as the other students right. In this situation, he has the right to free speech. However, free speech only goes so far. Since, his post was linked to words that are intended to cause bodily harm, he is facing suspension due to verbal harassment. I do not see the family winning a court case because of the verbiage their son used in his post. This provides  a life lesson to be careful and think through all possibilities, whether positive or negative, the post could be portrayed before posting.

Website Source:
Monroe student suspended after social media post; father says school went too far. Article by Dan Griffin. Article Link: Student Suspended


  1. Hi Ryan! I agree with you that it was a pretty shocking story and I was surprised I hadn't heard that one either, but I've heard and seen so many just like it. I think its pretty crazy and maybe even a little bit scary how much social media can impact our lives these days. I also agree with the point you made about social media bringing out the worst in some people. I think when all of these platforms were created, people didn't think of consequences like this becoming a problem and being so difficult to control.

  2. Hello,

    I have read your post and totally agree with that there are so many dumb people in the online and they do not realize what is wrong and correct. For this issue, I think school reacted with indecent decision because Logan just reply his friend's posting with dark humor and school suspend Logan for two weeks from school and make him to eat his lunch with separate place and put him in private class room. If school just give an notification of the issue to Logan's parents, It would not be a big issue as now.

  3. Hi Ryan - I think you've brought up some really good points about how hard the ethical lines can be in cases like this. I remember when I was in high school, there was a big controversy over a student that got suspended because he tweeted something offensive and it caused a fight in school the next day. The main issue was: did the school have the right to suspend the student over something that he had done in his home? Every case like this is so nuanced that it's hard to create a hard and fast 'ethical code' around it.
