Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Resource Notes: Ethics Reading

(Ethics by Kent Bye. Shared Under CC BY 2.0. Web Source: Link)

Ethics is a word that is used to describe behavioral standards for how one should act or use information on a daily basis. However, ethics in America are not always followed as individuals still steal, hurt, or kill others. Even though these points weren't discussed in the reading, they should still be considered when discussing what ethics is. In terms of the reading, ethics was discussed in relation to how information is disseminated to others. Before diving into ethics, it should be understood that there are many viewpoint to how one may interpret information or new ideas. Individuals comprehended information through one of the information competencies such as "communication in the mother tongue, communication in foreign languages, mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology, digital competence, learning to learn, social and civic competence, or sense of initiative and entrepreneurship" (Schultz-Jones, 2017).

Furthermore, these ideas have an ethical foundation that should be followed when used. This ethical foundation begins with four ideas for how information should be used. To begin, individuals need to have respect for ones work and should give them all the credit they deserve. This credit is what is considered respect for intellectual property. Additionally, individuals should respect one's request for how there information may be used. If information from another person is used, it should receive acknowledgement and credit for that work. Lastly, utilizing others information or thoughts should only be used without the intention of causing harm.

Understanding these ethical foundations leads to learning the frames of ethical use of information. A few main ones are competency, relational, and social impact. Competency is what they should be able to do. Relational is awareness of ways of seeing or experiencing situations. Lastly, social impact is understanding how information may impact society.

Reference: Schultz-Jones, 2017. Teaching the Ethical Use of Information as an MIL Skill. Text Link

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